Table of Contents

November 1, 2011

Chapter 29 -- But My Words Like Silent Raindrops Fell

Gena and Lukas had decided to meet up once a week to catch up on each other's lives. Grabbing a few drinks, Lukas obsessed about his children's accomplishments. Quynh and Zal both had learned to talk and walk and were well on their way to being potty trained while his older twins were making grades. Gena had been helping tutor her younger half-siblings and was happy her mother was now married in her old age. She was finally smiling again, even though she hadn't yet fulfilled her dream of having a family. Lukas reasured her that she still had a lot of time and that she'd find that special someone, but left out that he still wished it was him even after all the years. He knew he'd be jealous and sad when she did find "The One", especially because she would no longer have as much time for their friendship, but he loved her too much to ever wish for her to pick being his friend over love. Coming out of his thoughts, Lukas invited Gena to attend Quynh and Zal's birthday party that was fast approaching. He was amazed at how fast his children were growing.

The day of the party, Carter spent the morning by the pool playing with his favorite pony toy. His sister never played along with him.

It was then that the first guest arrived. Juanita Blanco was very pregnant, very sick, and very uninvited. Thankfully after dirtying up their lawn, she ran home.

The second guest to arrive was Peaches. Hugging her daughter, she inquired about school and grades and her brother.

Ignoring the above questions, Kadance excitedly asked if she was going to have another sibling. She was, due any day now.

Finally, the second and last guest arrived, Gena. After catching up on the local gossip, the party was ready to start.

The celebrations were just beginning when they were interrupted by a phone call.

Seeing it was from his boss, he answered irritatingly, "I'm in the middle of a birthday party for my daughters, what could you possibly want?"

"To remind you that they are not yours, they are mine," she menacingly responded before hanging up.

Shaking it off, the party started again.

Quynh went first...


And matches the wallpaper.

Zal was second...


Kadance isn't amused at the party for her siblings because they aren't important like her. Zal picks up on this attitude and makes a mental note to steer clear of her older sister.

While Tim is off in the kitchen, the rest of the family sits down to eat. Savannah characteristically reminds them all to put their dirty plates in the dishwasher when they were done eating. Fun fact: none of them do.

After the party, Gena and Lukas dip out to the pool (no pun intended). Lukas, however, had never swam before so is understandably terrified of treading water.

When he's almost on the verge of tears, Gena suggests they have a breath holding competition. That way, he wouldn't have to tread anymore, just risk drowning.

He agrees that it's a great idea...

...and wins. They spend the rest of the day splashing around and swimming laps, hanging out like old times.

Before heading home, they take a breather and stare up at the stars, or in Lukas' case, at Gena's chest.

Resting his palm on hers, Lukas makes eye contact with Gena, silently sharing his hidden wishes, hoping Gena could somehow understand and love him in return.

In response, she scootches closer to Lukas, leaving him both confused and happy.


  1. D"aaaaw. I loved this chapter. It was happy and sweet and didn't break my heart. <3.

    I'm scared that Gena will leave Lukas behind when the fifth baby is on the way (wether or not Gena is the mother) and I so want them to be happy together : ( .

    Maddie's twins are beautiful.

  2. Cute chapter! I really hope Gena doesn't break his heart again...

    Also, Maddie scares me. (Not you Maddie, the character Maddie. Lol.)

  3. The twins are lovely, I hope their mother isn't going to take them away

    Would be so nice for Lukas & Gena to find happiness together...
