Table of Contents

November 7, 2011

Chapter 30 -- Choppy

Kadance and Carter play together while waiting for the bus.

"So, you want to be famous and rich? That's boring!"

"Yeah? Well so is art and books and whatever else you like."

While Zal is waiting for line of kids to finally go to school, she doesn't notice the similarly redheaded vampire watching her from a short distance.

After school, Kadance brings home a friend, who doesn't have a rememberable name.

While they chat about how they hate school, Carter gets homework tips from his dad who thinks it's the right time to dress up and eat cake.

Or maybe he was just dressed up to meet Gena after work.

"Gena, why haven't you returned my calls? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, no Lukas, you didn't. It's just... the past couple days I've been thinking and I think I've finally found the one for me."

His heart stops for a moment before he forces a smile and meekly replies, "That's great..."

Blushing a little, Gena looks down awkwardly before asking, "Don't you want to know who it is?" she pauses. When Lukas shakes his head and turns to leave, she whispers, "It's you, Lukas."

Hoping he heard her right, he turns back and swoops her into a kiss. It's his first kiss, that he remembers anyway, and it is perfect.

Gena pulls away, swooning a bit.

"Let me grab my change of clothes..."

By the time they get back to his place, everyone's already in bed.

"Now... where were we again?"

It's their first time, but things don't feel awkward. 

In fact, they feel rather great.

When Lukas wakes up in the morning, Gena is getting ready to leave. With a kiss goodbye, she heads back home to make sure the kids catch the bus in time. He tosses a salad for the family, a first, since he never cooks. Humming softly, he realizes he must be happy.

Savannah ignores or forgets the fact that Lukas is making food already and grabs a piece of cake, smiling because Lukas is finally achieving what he deserves.

Timothy is all smiles too, even though he knew Lukas would find love. He did, so why wouldn't his son?

Time flies by and it's already Carter and Kadance's teen birthdays. Peaches creeps on Tim while he's paying the bills as she arrives at the party.

The twins, both eager for different reasons, line up to blow out their candles.

Peaches suddenly realizes she doesn't want to see her babies grow up, even though she wasn't there for them.

Kadance does a spin befitting of a star.

As a teen she gains the Perfectionist trait.

Carter is next, and gains the Bookworm trait.

Three generations of Sperie women, whether related or not.

Birthday cake!

Ignoring the mother.

Kadance likes to do laundry.

Later that evening, Gena stops by with children in tow, apologizing for missing the party.

"Babe? I'd like you to meet our children, she says gesturing to the ground beside them."

As Lukas glances down at the play table, he inwardly groans. Triplets?

Can I just say that I hate kids? Lukas doesn't have the fertility treatment thing, so I don't know what's going on. Also, I'm sorry I have no baby pictures, I was too frustrated with them to take pointless pictures of them in pink wraps.


  1. P&L! Ha ha ha! 7 kids! ROFLMAOPIMP!!!!!

  2. LOL! xD I died just a bit from laughing so hard. I HAVE to stop reading these things in class.

    Oh gosh... Lukas I <3 you. So much. But now that I know how fertile you are I will NEVER get into bed with you.

  3. Triplets? Wow, that must be incredibly hard work, especially with all the other kids in the house

  4. HAHAHA! Oh, man Lukas. You have some strong, um... well, anyway. That's too awesome Maddie. Well, maybe not for you because now you have 7 kids to deal with. But from this side of the computer screen, I'm loving your legacy. <3

    Awesome chapter! My favorite line: "He realizes he must be happy." I aww'ed, cause Lukas deserves to find love. Also, the scene with Gena was really well done. Great job!

  5. That just made my day! Triplets Haha
