S is invited down to city hall for the most prestigious award in existence for being a ghost hunter.
Only one guy shows his appreciation.
Later that day, a man from the local newspaper swung by and asked if he could do an article on S and took a picture of her with all of her rewards.
Later she worries about if that was such a good idea. Her family is already moderately famous in their small town and she didn't need any more paparazzi stalking her kids. Denver worries about his mother's worries.
Almost immediately after beginning to worry, she hears a car door slam and goes outside to chase off the newest stalker.
Meanwhile, Peaches is grumpy. She doesn't like this whole school idea, especially when there is homework involved.
She sits down next to Noel who is eating a late dinner. Immediately, she starts bitching about how parties bother her and how homework is obnoxious, etc.
Noel cuts her off, "What are you? Some kind of lochness monster or something? You're always complaining or being mean. It's annoying. Just. Shut. Up."
Peaches throws up her hands in desperation.
She goes to grab her own bowl of mac n cheese while Noel starts to grasp her older brother's hatred of the green girl.
The school had announced that there would be a Prom the upcoming weekend. Noel knew she had no chance of having a date unless she took some initiative so she went upstairs to practice with her new mirror from the theatre.
"Heeeeeey there Kenton I was thinking... no, that's not right."
"Kenton, I have a question, just hear me out... I was wondering if maybe this weekend at that one place at that one time... UGH"
Asking someone out was turning out to be harder than it looked. She thought to herself for a minute before starting to try new ideas. Then she had it!
"Hey Kenton, if you wouldn't mind, I was wondering if you'd like to go as friends to the Prom this weekend? I don't really want to go stag, and you're pretty smart like me so maybe.............." she kept practicing.
Downstairs Peaches was getting back to her homework as Lukas breezed through his. It irked her that he was so much better in school. And that his hair stood up. Who did he think he was anyways?
Ever so slightly, she lifted her eyes to scan Lukas' homework. Seeing his answer to the only problem she had left she scribbled it in and stuffed it into her backpack.
'If I didn't need him to help me with school I would SO be out of here. He's freaking crazy,' she thought to herself, excusing herself from the room.
Oblivious to everything going on around him, Lukas was having fun in school lately. He was the leader of the Debate Team and was waiting to hear if he made the team for the Sports Club.
Then he got the call.
"Is this Lukas Sperie?" the man on the other end asked.
"Yessir," Lukas replied giddily, anxious to hear the news.
"All right. The Sports and Recreation Council has reviewed the tryouts and are happy to inform you that you have made the Junior Varsity team."
"What? Slow down, slow down. Say that again? I think I misheard you," Lukas said trying to sound confident, even though he had heard every word.
"You've made the JV team young man," the guy repeated.
"The JV team," Lukas stated, "In all due respect sir, I am the best human athlete in Brooklyn Heights. How did I not make varsity?"
It was that moment that Praesentia Omnem walked by, hearing every word and falling into a fit of laughter.
"Between you and me Lukas, you should be the captain of the varsity team, but you know the Vamps run the town, if not the world. Life isn't fair to us real people."
"You're saying I'm not on Varsity because Vampires are in charge of the world."
"Who is the Varsity captain if I may ask?"
"Abram Biondi."
"Thank you sir, I will see you at practice on Monday."
"It's Coach, not sir," the man said before hanging up.
'So,' Lukas thought, 'I'm not on Varsity because Abram is using his influence to become captain. I may not be as strong or as fast as a Vampire, but he's still a teen so he doesn't have those powers yet.'
"I'll show him, and he better believe it," he cackled while pushing his training harder than ever before.